Our Clients

“I highly recommend OpennerDev as I have used them for local and offshore talent and have always been impressed with their desire and execution in getting the right talent for our needs. Often the first person we interview is the ideal person for the job and there is no need to review additional candidates. I will continue to use OpennerDev for staff augmenting and would be happy to talk to anyone directly who wishes to use their services.”

“Our engagement with OpennerDev began with the intent of enhancing our custom enterprise management application. We quickly realized the results would be more far-reaching as we began to work as a team analyzing our internal processes and data analytics capabilities. As a logistics company, data-driven metrics are paramount to defining our short and long-term success and meeting the expectations of our clients. Ensuring our enterprise-wide system provides complete visibility of these metrics to all our employees will help us increase the value we provide to our clients.”

Case Studies
  • Client: Blackboard
  • Objective: Enterprise Solution for Client to User Communication
  • Technologies: PHP, Javascript, Oracle, Perl, UNIX, ServiceNow
The Challenge:

Blackboard is a fast moving enterprise in the education sector with a flag ship product called Blackboard Learn part of a bundled platform which consists of seven platforms called Learn, Transact, Engage, Connect, Mobile, Collaborate and Analytics. They are the leaders in bringing digital learning into the classroom.

The Blackboard team reached out to OpennerDev for an enterprise solution that would help them optimize and streamline their operations & improve overall productivity. Being a product focused company, they received many support requests from their users, OpennerDev stepped in to support the creation of internal solution so they could stay focused on their mission.

The challenges we faced were not uncommon when implementing process improvement & automation, and our approach included strategy consulting, technology consulting, design, and development using an inclusive approach, putting communication and common objectives as our guideline for implementation.

The Solution:

Taking an iterative and agile approach, we worked with the team to understand the goals, and collaborated with the process owners over multiple sessions to gain a clear understanding of how this project aligned with their greater organizational strategy.
Collecting detailed requirements from internal and external stakeholders enabled OpennerDev to develop and customize a solution that offered a similar process with the addition of increased functionality with enhanced productivity for the internal team and a better customer experience for their users. Working with Blackboard we gave a voice to the end users by including them in process and development decisions.

Our services outline:

UI/UX, Enterprise Solutions Delivery, Process Improvement & Automation.

The Benefit:

Seamless transition from one system to another resulted in both high client satisfaction, as well as a positive user experience. Blackboard had a high satisfaction rate from their users as well as a noticeable improvement in communication which resulted in brand enhancement.

  • Client: Diakon Logistics
  • Objective: Software and Technology Modernization
  • Technologies: Trak-R
The Challenge:

Diakon Logistics is one of the leading home delivery carriers and third-party logistics companies in the nation. Diakon provides leading retailers with knowledge-based, integrated logistics solutions backed by dedicated resources, innovative technology, and highly committed professionals.

Daikon Logistics Leadership reached out to OpennerDev for an enterprise solution that would help them with their back office functions, which included operations, compliance, accounting, and financial systems. Being a logistics focused company, they were ready to transition further into a digitally driven enterprise, and OpennerDev stepped improve operational efficiency so they could focus on the overall customer experience of their retailers. (White glove service)

Opportunities were discovered through close collaboration, analysis, data, metrics, reporting, and finally a technology solution that was closely aligned to the company’s workflows and based on a solid strategy following the discovery. Diakon Logistics is not a technology company. Since they have started working with us…they are starting to think like one.

The Solution:

Taking an iterative process & people centric approach, we worked with the team to collect data from various inputs & outputs, taking in a full understanding of the scope of services and the operational functions needed to service Fortune 100’s such as Best Buy & Sears. With the data and knowledge in hand, we were able to identify areas where they could maximize their strengths and create recommendations for a solution that addressed both process improvement & automation while supporting their mission critical applications.

Our services outline:

Enterprise Solutions Delivery, Process Improvement & Automation

The Benefit:

Because of Ilerra’s engagement and thorough analysis of the systems, they have optimized and enhanced security and reliability of their core solution, as well customer facing updates to the system which is resulting in a better customer experience, further strengthening their brand image.

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