Startup Partnership

Startup companies use OpennerDev as their technology enablement arm.
Startup companies using OpennerDev realize significant speed to market, cost savings through capitalizing on OpennerDev as their technology partner.
Partnering with OpennerDev eliminates the in-house hiring of technology expertise at various levels of the org structure along with the elimination of the technology infrastructure setup needed to develop and operate the company’s product(s).

Our Partnership model supports startups from

Ideation to growth stage.

The ideation and discovery stages of product development for startups results in informed decision-making process with regards to making the right investment in the right timeframe. Once a clear GTM strategy is defined out of the ideation and discovery stages, Ilerra leads the product development effort which includes software development, product management, and project management. We adopt state-of-the-art technologies and industry best practices that guarantee highest levels of benefit realization

Startup Service

OpennerDev sets up a one-stop-shop Center of Excellence for all technology and product development needs of a startup company. This includes:

Ideation & Discovery

OpennerDev will facilitate the effort of building and assessing the Startup’s funnel of ideas. This includes opportunity assessment based on value drivers that are tied up with the company’s vision and key objectives. OpennerDev will also lead the discovery stage at which Proof of Concepts are being built in the form of working prototypes or mockups to validated the solution viability and define the customer experience. OpennerDev uses Design Thinking techniques in defining the customer journey which leads to defining the scope of the Minimum Marketable Product to be developed.

Product Development

With the MMP scope defined OpennerDev will handle the software development required to build, test, integrate, and launch the product. In the Product Delivery stage OpennerDev utilizes the Agile Delivery methodology which through incremental delivery enables customers’ validation and stakeholders’ engagement. This industry best practice caters for best customer experience, strengthens benefit realization, and enhances adaptability to market changes.

Growth & Sustainability

OpennerDev handles all post launch and growth activities including customer support, bug fixes, and enhancements. Moreover, OpennerDev sets up dashboards that track certain KPIs and Metrics to validate business assumptions and track benefit realization. To sustain success, OpennerDev sets up processes that cater for sustainability such as automation, benefit tracking, talent management, Center of Excellence, and Community of Practices.

Our Product Management Approach

OpennerDev adheres to strong Product Management practices. We are firm believers that strong Product Management is the cornerstone of a successful business. OpennerDev supports the startup company in setting up the Product Management practice and throughout the journey to maturity. This includes setting up Product Ownership, Portfolio Management, Capacity Planning, Demand Management, Benefit Realization, and Product Discovery frameworks

Partnership Model

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